Frequently Asked Questions
Is the RPZ (backflow device) certification done during startup?
Once a system startup is complete, we’ll follow up to have one of our CCCDI licensed plumbers come out to certify the RPZ and submit all paperwork to your local municipality.
What is startup?
When we start your system for the season, we begin by replacing the RPZ valve and re-establishing the water to the system. We then go through your irrigation system zone by zone, checking to make sure that the valves, heads and driplines are in good working order and are properly adjusted. We review the programming on your controller and if we feel that it’s necessary, we will make adjust to your program. Additionally, should we find that repairs are needed, we will make those repairs if time allows. We always try to complete the work during the startup appointment, but occasionally we will need to schedule a return visit should repairs be more extensive.
What is the FRV?
An FRV, or Freeze Relief Valve, is a device that we mount to the fourth test port on your RPZ – should the water temperature within the RPZ fall to 35 degrees or less, the FRV will open just enough to all a fine mist of water to flow through, and prevent the RPZ from freezing should overnight temperatures dip below 32 degrees. This will not provide protection through a deep-freeze but will handle those cold nights in late fall and early spring.
What is a service call?
Should any part of your system get broken or fail during the course of the season, you can contact us to come out and make whatever repairs are needed. Our service calls have a one-hour minimum. Should a repair take more than one-hour, additional time is billed in 15 minute increments.
Should I have a mid-season check?
We strongly recommend that you do and here’s why; when we start your system in April or May, most of your plant material has yet to bloom. While we can ensure that the system is working properly at that time, the landscape may be very different at mid-season. Fully grown plants may be blocking sprays. Let us check your system and make adjustments to ensure efficient watering.
What is a backflow device?
Illinois plumbing code requires that every irrigation system includes an RPZ Backflow Prevention Device. This device is placed at the beginning of the irrigation system and prevents the water in the irrigation lines from mixing with the potable water in your house and in the city’s water supply.