Chicago Botanic Gardens | Dwarf Conifer Garden
Collaborated with CBG Landscape Architect to implement system design
Even in the darkest days of winter, dwarf conifers hold fast to colors including blues and silvers and with thick, fragrant branches.
Text by Chicago Botanic Garden
On a gentle slope, tucked among boulders and nestled into the corners and cutaways of sandstone steps, the Dwarf Conifer Garden features mostly evergreens. This four-season garden includes trees that are fragrant year-round, as well as conifers with eye-catching shapes (the globe-shaped center of Little Gem arborvitae, for example) and textures (such as the weeping branches on Miss Grace dawn redwood).
The Dwarf Conifer Garden features trees that are smaller and slower growing than other conifers. Conifers are plants that bear cones. Mostly native to the earth’s northern hemisphere, conifers have thin needle-like or scale-like leaves that help reduce moisture loss and allow snow to be shed easily.